The Juggling Fish in Noord

ArubaThe Juggling Fish



🕗 openingstijden

87, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 592 7802
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5735727, Longitude: -70.0457637

opmerkingen 5

  • Ilona Buggert

    Ilona Buggert


    very nice store, huge selection of swimwear, I saw a bikini in the window, tried it on and bought it, perfect!

  • - Xxspooky03xX

    - Xxspooky03xX


    Beautiful store! best one in palm beach! Better than coconuts!

  • Deborah Fraser

    Deborah Fraser


    Great little swimwear shop. Very helpful staff. Both men and women catered for. Some really classy stuff.

  • Robert Scott

    Robert Scott


    Fun little swimsuit shop right on the beach at the Playa Linda condos. Our family needed some rash guard tops and they had a nice variety of long and short sleeve to please all 4 of us. The ladies working there were super friendly and nice.




    I love the juggling fish and the gals in there that work there. They are always so helpful and friendly!! My girlfriend and I go to Aruba twice a year and always plan a shopping spree there. They have beautiful swimsuits that fit like no others. They have two stores connected on the beach side not far from the holiday inn. The gift store is awesome too. Very high quality tee shirts. Not tacky. Very tastefully done. Many unique gifts can be found there also and they ship to the states too!!! A very memorable store for me. I met ā€œVonnieā€ who works there and we connected right from the get go!!! She is a doll!!! Vonnie is the reason we keep going back!!! Juggling fish is fortunate to have her. If you happen to see this Vonnie, we love you girl!!!! See you in October!!!

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