Purun Spa AW

ArubaPurun Spa



🕗 openingstijden

55B, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 1100 ext. 120
website: www.purunspa.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.542265, Longitude: -70.061775

opmerkingen 5

  • Sean Matula

    Sean Matula


    By far the worst massage experience I have ever had and I have had hundreds of massages from dozens of providers and spas. Therapist obviously had no training what so ever and no technique.

  • en

    Katreena Katreena


    Most beautiful romantic beach resort in all of Aruba! Totally exclusive only for adults. Staff were very attentive and always smiling. Tara suite was gorgeous but wanted to stay in penthouse unfortunately only four rooms available and very hard to get a penthouse suite during high season bc their booked years in advance. People really love returning every year. And I totally see why. The only other con I have is the breakfast could have more variety and more selections like maybe fish and almond milk for dairy intolerance. Best beach in Aruba! See you again!

  • en

    Bob Russo


    This is one of the best resorts around. A close friend of mine was planning on going to Aruba this year and I guaranteed him he would love this resort. I don't usually make such bold recommendations but I was so impressed with the hotel, beach, restaurant and above all the excellent friendly service I had no doubts that anyone coming here would leave with the same impression. We're going back in February and we plan on booking next year and thereafter.

  • Liliana Cerilo

    Liliana Cerilo


    The most relaxing and romantic place on the island. It sits on the most breathtaking beach you could ever wish and the staff is extremely friendly and hospitable - very attentive to all of our needs. I would highly recommend this adult-only resort. I'm not one to visit the same place twice but this place was magical and worth a second visit.

  • Joy Zhao

    Joy Zhao


    My wife and I stayed for a week and we didn't want to leave. Maryann greeted us and was excellent in getting us settled and planning our week out once we got there. Visiting Karen at the bar during happy hour felt like a necessity by the last few nights. Frank the doorman was also fantastic with many recommendations. We...

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