Blue Residences Aruba in Noord

ArubaBlue Residences Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

266, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +1 786-350-4780
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.559966, Longitude: -70.0537785

opmerkingen 5

  • Da Mu

    Da Mu


    Beautiful rooms in a perfect location. There's a private beach across the street and Eagle beach is only a few minutes walk away. And the grocery store is only a 4 minute drive.

  • Thunder M

    Thunder M


    The security guards are nice and the views are unbeatable. However, the condos themselves are in very poor shape. Ant infestation in the kitchen. One bedroom is unhabitable due to excessive humidity (poor ventilation) that causes mold and slippery wet floor. They chose grass instead of natural landscaping, which wastes a lot of water to maintain and the stagnant pools of water on the sidewalks attract mosquitos which have bitten us. Parking lot is atrocious -- The spot is not near the building and it is a narrow, blind turn to enter/exit the lot, which is a head-on collision waiting to happen. Furthermore, they have roses bushes with giant thorns all along the lot that become overgrown and scratch the paint on your car and they refuse to even reply or care when the car is damaged. Overall, very disappointed, and not worth the price.

  • Jamey Smith

    Jamey Smith


    Everything was great, not a bad thing to talk about; I want to go back.

  • Kim Rackliffe

    Kim Rackliffe


    Full disclosure... we own a two bedroom condo here. We purchased our condo here because the view (every condo!) is spectacular. We never tire of watching the sunset over the ocean. The condos are modern, spacious and the kitchen is fully equipped to prepare any meal. The staff is very accommodating and professional. The infinity pool and lounge area is beautiful. It is very quite here but if you crave action and vibe of the hotel areas you are only a 5 minute walk away. Eagle beach is 5-8 minute walk.

  • Clifford Vogelland

    Clifford Vogelland


    The best hotel you can imagine on the island. Splendid dream design. I recommend you this place. Wonderful sunset.

Spa in de buurt

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