La Vie Med Spa & Beauty Salon in Noord

ArubaLa Vie Med Spa & Beauty Salon



🕗 openingstijden

55, Palm Beach, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 3993
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5688202, Longitude: -70.0443368

opmerkingen 5

  • Carlos J Colina

    Carlos J Colina


    Great professional service.... Best price on the island.... Fantastic online response.....

  • J W

    J W


    It was fine. Over priced when the just offer you something without saying that it wikl cost extra really ticked me off. Who knew blow drying your hair could cost 30 additional dollars to the cut! Im going to start a blow drying business for those kind of margins. Watch yourself here. Be very clear with them and ask many tines how much each thing is. They just do it and charge you. A haircut thats advertised as 25 to 30 ended up more like 80 to 100.... Hard pass

  • Rachel Arjun

    Rachel Arjun


    Very good service and friendly staff

  • J Maduro

    J Maduro


    Excellent service!

  • Vigilla Geerman

    Vigilla Geerman


    Very nice place. very fancy ..friendly people...service execellent...

Spa in de buurt

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