Mandara Spa at the Marriott Resort & Aruba Ocean Club in Noord

ArubaMandara Spa at the Marriott Resort & Aruba Ocean Club



🕗 openingstijden

101, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 520 6750
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5793742, Longitude: -70.0429987

opmerkingen 5

  • Mary Wright

    Mary Wright


    Great experience! Both husband and I enjoyed our massages with Sonia and Dayno. Hostess, Yolanda, treated us like VIPs . Thanks so much. We'll be back!

  • Nicole Dib

    Nicole Dib


    Went for the 50 minute couples massage. Both of us agreed it was one of the best massages we’ve ever had. The whole experience was great!

  • Lauren Mussard

    Lauren Mussard


    If I could leave a zero star review I would.This seriously was the worst experience. I am a young mom who never pampers herself and I saved up to be able to have a day at the spa only to leave in tears. I called to make my appointment the day of and wanted to try one of their complete journey packages that they offer where you receive 20% off if you get all the services. The woman on the phone spoke great English so I don’t think she misunderstood me. In the booklet it says you have a choice between acupressure or bathing ritual for one of the treatments and I picked the acupressure. I also asked for one of the scrub and wrap treatments. When I got there the woman at the front desk told me I would not be getting the 20% of my treatments and tried to rush me into the back while I was still talking. I told her no I wasn’t going to get the treatments unless that was included which is what it says in their book!!! So her and two other women argued in Spanish in front of me contemplating whether or not to give it to me, when I finally said I was just going to leave the woman said fine she would give it to me. I then started my treatments. Which the woman who did my massages was wonderful. But after she applied my scrub she brought me into a room with a shower and bath tub and told me to wash off the scrub and that I had a ten minute break before my next treatment. So I washed off my scrub and when she came back she didn’t give me my wrap told me it cost extra even though in their booklet it says scrub and wrap together and only one price as they are an item. After my treatments were over the woman who worked on me brought me up front and started pressuring me to buy all their products. I became very embarrassed because I kept having to tell her I couldn’t afford these and she still kept at it. She was then very irritated that I didn’t buy anything and stormed off. When I got my bill I realized that they had charged me for the bathing ritual which I had not wanted and didn’t think I received. The woman then told me that the room I was put in with the tub was the ritual and since I was in there I had to pay for it! I didn’t even take a bath!!! And I never asked for it they put me in there to wash off the body scrub. And it was $80 plus tax for a bath. They also charge 20% service charge which I never would have given them with how horribly they treated me. I felt embarrassed and very taken advantage of. I left crying feeling like an idiot. Because it became something I couldn’t afford and wish I had never done. I work in customer service and have never treated anyone the way I was treated. I always tip and always try to be understanding and have never written a bad review but those women made me feel degraded and had me crying from anxiety and embarrassment. Want my money back!

  • Gregory Taitt

    Gregory Taitt


    I had a 80 minute massage yesterday with Stefania. Very relaxing. Very professional. Got all the kinks out. Front desk staff was friendly and accommodating as well. Just was a little pricey.

  • Emily Cerreta

    Emily Cerreta


    Didn't start on time, but enjoyed service. It would be a refreshing surprise to not have to negotiate buying products. Let the client ASK!

Spa in de buurt

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