Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaAmsterdam Manor Beach Resort Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
252, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 527 1100
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5538893, Longitude: -70.0543373

opmerkingen 5

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    Kirsten Raifsnider


    I can not even begin to express how pleasant our stay was. We honeymooned here at Amsterdam Manor and it was our first time to Aruba. The entire staff was extremely accommodating and cheerful. We never really had to ask for anything, everyone was very on top of making sure things were neat and clean and the items in the room were always restocked. As far as the resort goes, it's literally steps from the beach. There are private cabanas to sit under as well as a nice beach bar that is never over crowded or loud. They provided beach chairs and towels as well. We decided that on day we wanted to rent a jeep to tour the island and the hotel service staff took care of everything with that for us. As well as calling taxis for us, renting bicycles, booking a spa treatment for us, the list goes on and on. Literally anything you would need they can help with and completely take care of. I very highly recommend this location as it is about a 20 minute walk to the high rise hotels, but there is bus stop right in front of the hotel for a bus that takes you up and down the island strip. I felt like I enjoyed this atmosphere better than the hustle and bustle of the high rise area (which is also beautiful) just nice to be a little more private. Thank you everyone at Amsterdam manor for making our honeymoon one for the books.

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    Quaint small resort, yet service was fast friendly and with a smile. The room was spacious clean, etc. The food at mangos was very good and lunch on the beach at passions bar was delicious. Son loved the chicken skewers with peanut sauce. The beach...what to say, great. Not crowded at all! Since the resort is at the northern end of the beach, there was plenty of umbrellas to choose from. While the price is a bit high compared to the large resorts, not being crowded is a huge plus in my book. In the morning I went down with a bag with a few things in it sunscreen etc. Got the towels of the day from the attendant, picked a spot. Hung the bag on the umbrella, he set the chairs up and I went back to my room to get the family and have breakfast..then beach where everything was already setup for us. Aruba is Windy..very windy and was surprisingly cloudy.. but, I will go back again, and again.

  • Lex Cary

    Lex Cary


    Very clean, well kept, beautiful ocean view, people are very friendly and welcoming. Dinner at the Mango's restaurant was DELICIOUS! But if you plan on eating dinner there, don't go when everyone else is there, go early in the night. My family and I waited 3 hours. But it was so worth it because food and drinks were amazing! Hotel is very clean. Beds are decent (for comfyness)




    Honeymoon suite was awesome!! Highly recommended with 5 stars! Here's a little info on the place Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort Aruba Have a memorable vacation experience at our intimate and picturesque resort. The beautiful Dutch Colonial architecture is a unique setting in Aruba’s hotel area and will take your breath away. The resort looks out over pristine white Eagle Beach and its clear turquoise blue water. As our guest you will agree that it is what you'll find inside that will keep you coming back. A warm welcome by our friendly staff will be the perfect start to your stay with us. It's not a secret that Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort is well known for their personalized service. When you stay in one of our fully equipped studios or suites you're not just a guest, you're part of the Amsterdam Manor family. Honeymoons, Weddings & Special Occasions Whether it's one of the biggest moments in your life or a yearly occasion, we are ready to help you make it a memorable one. Our intimate and romantic atmosphere, make Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort the ideal place for a celebration And its all true. Great place to stay!

  • Aaron Milsaps

    Aaron Milsaps


    We stayed with the Amsterdam Manor on our recent trip to Aruba for our honeymoon and absolutely loved it. Upon arrival we were greeted with rum punch and a bottle of champagne in our room. All the staff was extremely accommodating. The beach is a short walk across the street and is absolutely beautiful, probably the best I have ever visited. There is a bar and restaurant on the beach and more than enough stands to provide shade, so no reason to leave. The food was terrific at all the restaurants on site, in particular Passions, where we enjoyed surf and turf in the sand. The rooms were well kept and spacious. And it didn't hurt that they had three different happy hours throughout the hotel! We loved it here and would come back in a heartbeat!

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