MVC Eagle Beach Hotel in Oranjestad

ArubaMVC Eagle Beach Hotel


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🕗 openingstijden

J.E. Irausquin Blvd 240 Eagle Beach, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 587 0110
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5492386, Longitude: -70.0567963

opmerkingen 5

  • André Ribeiro

    André Ribeiro


    Should Install reflective film on the room windows to lower temperature, increase AC energy efficiency and improve guests privacy. Must Improve fridge noise in the room. It'd be nice to have microwave for guests usage. Pillows and bed sheets had a bad smell. Should improve front desk waiting time and conditions for waiting guests. Good wifi (room 210) and Internet connection (20mbps). Hotel just in front of the beach, includes an employee in the beach to arrange umbrella (public) and chairs for the guests of the hotel. Includes car parking free of charge.

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    Rhonda Barber


    Great food and service at the restaurant. Cook to order which you don't find many places

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    Kim Cohen


    Worst place I ever experienced . Bad amenities, locals playing loud music, pay for bathroom and drinks horribly expensive and terrible service. Don't Go to this Beach!

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    Danielle W


    Inexpensive and quiet, recently renovated room. Only possible cons I see are small room (but fine for only 2 adults) and possibly climbing spiral staircase to 2nd floor with luggage.Great location and friendly employees. Restaurant also good quality for price paid.

  • Maikel Redan

    Maikel Redan


    Very nice place. The food is very good

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