Pos Chiquito Beach Park i Savaneta

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ArubaPos Chiquito Beach Park



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Spaans Lagoenweg Pos Chiquito, Savaneta, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297
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Latitude: 12.4654589, Longitude: -69.9702837

kommentar 5

  • Victoria Cranston

    Victoria Cranston


    The view is amazing. Shade from trees to sit under and enjoy a picnic. Stay in your vehicle or use park bench and table.

  • sherrel werleman

    sherrel werleman


    One of Aruba's most beautiful beaches❤

  • Jerry Illes

    Jerry Illes


    Very nice snorkrling spot

  • William Swett

    William Swett


    Beautiful beaches and great place to watch the sunset, even if the wind sometimes makes you feel like you're being sand-blasted.

  • Jesse Ledbetter

    Jesse Ledbetter


    Must know before you go: Is it worth the trip for this alone? If you have snorkel gear, and fins, most definitely! From shallow spots where young children can get a taste while being able to pause and touch, to 6ft depths with great variety and places to pause to stand, to 12 foot depths with amazing numbers of fish, and finally a deep spot with a shipwreck - there is something for everyone to enjoy. If you only plan to relax and soak in the sun, there are better beaches, but the snorkeling is the real attraction here. I wasn’t there for a sunset, but given the orientation, it would likely be beautiful. Cost? Free parking, none. How do I get in? There are a variety of stairways down to the dock and water. Some end in rocky entries and other in sand. Scout out your entry as some would be tough on children.

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