De Palm Island i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaDe Palm Island



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142, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 522 4400
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.4696717, Longitude: -69.9846242

kommentar 5

  • Sarita Graham

    Sarita Graham


    I had so much fun here. I came in June of 2017 and the cost for two of us was about $180 USD. For that price you get all the food you can eat and drink. You can enjoy the waterslides, ziplining, ride the banana boat, play basketball, lounge around and listen to music, scuba diving - so much to do. We stayed from open to close....9-5pm that day. Well worth the price.

  • Monica Grant

    Monica Grant


    Love the Eco friendly nature of the Island! No straws, no disposable plastic. They also labeled​ all food to let us know if it was gluten free! Great fun for all!

  • Matt Hargrave

    Matt Hargrave


    Really fun island. Food is good, friendly staff, good variety of activities. Just make sure to bring your plastic cause it's expensive!

  • en

    Beth Drotar


    Had a blast. Zip lined and snorkled. Great beach too.

  • en

    L Maldonado


    THIS PLACE IS AWESOME. Full day entertainment, breakfast, lunch and hamburgers/chicken nuggets/fries whenever you want AND alcoholic beverages included. Banana boat, zip lining, sea trek, snorkeling. One of the best things to do when in Aruba.

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