La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino i Oranjestad

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ArubaLa Cabana Beach Resort & Casino



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250, J.E.. Irausquin Blvd, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 520 1100
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Latitude: 12.5519922, Longitude: -70.0535705

kommentar 5

  • James King

    James King


    My wife and I enjoyed our stay here. Our room was nice and the staff was friendly and helpful. There is access to the beach with umbrellas just for people staying at this resort! I have attached some pictures of the beach and our room. (I took the room pictures on the last day as we were packing).

  • Stephanie Tucker

    Stephanie Tucker


    Very poor customer service. The front desk staff was slow and didn't seem to know what they were doing. I was given keys that hadn't been coded and then insulted - I know how to use a magnetic room key! Food was expensive and poor quality. Ordered a pizza from Domino's instead. Facilities are adequate, but dated. Cleaning staff was polishing floors, loudly, before 8am on a Saturday morning. Will never stay again.

  • Ted Schulte

    Ted Schulte


    This place is relaxing. It's as comfortable as "home," but without the stress that sometimes exists at your regular home. The staff are friendly and willing to help. The accommodations are plush. The amenities surpass expectations. La Cabana is becoming my second home.

  • en

    Andrew Smithback


    Honeymoon. Definitely a place where it's primarily older (45+) folks on time shares, which was nice because there weren't as many families with kids Karaoke at night and live music during the day. Everything was clean. Architecture of the room was a bit odd (bedroom is the first room we entered from the outside) and we could hear quite a bit of people coming and going.

  • Jordan Shotwell

    Jordan Shotwell


    Had an excellent time at La Cabana during our two week stay in 2016. The pools are beautiful and well maintained, the rooms are nice and are being renovated, and the staff were helpful. We had an issue with theft from a housekeeping employee, and the security staff resolved it relatively quickly (though not without a bit of prodding). The beach is the best part of staying here. The sand is perfect, there's a constant breeze, and the water is warm and clear.

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