Eagle Aruba Resort & Casino i Oranjestad

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ArubaEagle Aruba Resort & Casino



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248, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 587 9000
internet side: www.eaglearuba.com
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Latitude: 12.5512354, Longitude: -70.0532567

kommentar 5

  • Yolie Zackschewski

    Yolie Zackschewski


    Had everything you could need. Beautiful resort. Multiple pools. Friendly staff. Felt safe. Easy to remember room keys as bracelets and cards !! Room had a stove, microwave, oven, and full size fridge so made it easy to hit up the supermarket (RIGHT IN FRONT) for late night snacks or lunch for long adventurous days and excursions. Room was beautiful. Breakfast was fantastic. My bf and I had the daily breakfast vouchers and it was so worth it. Inexpensive and let me tell you- I loved steak & eggs with potatoes every morning ! It was delicious for resort food!! Literally less than 5 min to the best beach in Aruba!!!! Eagle beach!!! Always got a seat here and palm tree no matter what time. Resort has calendar with daily events. Large game pieces on resort for Children by pools. Bbqs too If you want to have one privately. On site water to fill up any canteens!! Nearby many areas so I recommend renting a car. Parking is easy on resort. Supermarket was awesome. Well known American brands and lots more food! Did not have one issue! I would love to come back here and plan to!

  • Michael Foster

    Michael Foster


    I love this place! They treat you like royalty! Ask for Delilah and she will get you the treatment you deserve!

  • Travis Talley

    Travis Talley


    Great resort. Nice pool bar. Very friendly staff. The food was pretty good at the restaurant and the casino breakfast buffet. We will be going back. I Highly recommend this resort

  • Nadezhda Danilova

    Nadezhda Danilova


    Nice clean rooms that don’t really seem to be outdated, they actually have that nice nostalgia look. Team is nice, beach is just across the road, Super Food market is like 2 minutes away. Plus, we think that Eagle is actually better than Palm these days, it’s cleaner and less crowded for sure! We enjoyed our stay, thank you, guys, for making it nice!

  • Tim Hepworth

    Tim Hepworth


    Been here for almost 2 weeks. This place can pass as 4 star no problem. About 4 minute walk to one of the best beaches in the world. Super clean, no rocks and great people to talk to all the time. This hotel is a hidden gem. Well worth it.

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