Jads Dive Center i San Nicolas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaJads Dive Center



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San Nicolas, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 584 6070
internet side: jadsaruba.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.4140701, Longitude: -69.8827973

kommentar 5

  • Michael Bislick

    Michael Bislick


    JP and his team are so patient and helpful. One of the best on the island!

  • Rick Schouten

    Rick Schouten


    Awesome dive... we went to the Arashi reef and Antilla wreck. The boat, the equipment were all really good. The service on the boat were just incredible good.

  • Corrie Davidson

    Corrie Davidson


    Didn't dive here but popped in for a rash guard. They have a variety of items from a bin of bikinis to jewelry made from lion fish tail (they are an invasive species).

  • en

    Edward Laibl


    Scam...avoid this place. I have an advanced open water certification (UFADP) from the University of Florida. This also includes: CMAS, NAUI, and Y.M.C.A. but because I told them it was 6 years since my last dive they want me to pay for a refresher dive or a private instructor. I have been diving for 28 years and this Padi dive place is concerned that I might not be ready. FU

  • Fortuna Vendetta

    Fortuna Vendetta


    First dive ever and the instructors were extremely patient and light-hearted about it all! Honestly if not for the awesomely trance-like experience of scuba diving on its own the day would have been made by the staff! Danki, Jads team!

nærmeste Butik

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