Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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88F, Macuarima, Santa Cruz, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 585 2734
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5037935, Longitude: -69.9803723

kommentar 5

  • Lydia Letren

    Lydia Letren


    Elise is the best!

  • Anthonny Salas

    Anthonny Salas


    Very good service.

  • Jan Remmé

    Jan Remmé


    I went to Tribike to get some new tires and tubes for a roadbike and I was pleasantly surprised by the service received by the attendent. Asked me what size of tires (700x25), if I rode tubeless or with tubes (in my case tubes), what type of rider I was (casual) and what bike a rode. I ride a hybrid commuter bike as my road bike as I am just a casual rider. He asked me to wait a minute I went to look at the tires they had hanging in the store and these were starting at 84 all the way up to 194 and I got kinda scared as I need 2 tires...When he came back he handed me 2 tires of 49 florins which for a casual rider is just what the doctered ordered. I appreciate the fact that he did not try to sell me the high end tires but he sold me what I actually need for the type a cyclist I am. That is paying attention to your client and makes me a repeat customer. Job well done...

  • Robert Consoni

    Robert Consoni


    Picked up my bike at the boulevard store. Staff was great. I emailed them prior to my visit to the island. They got back to me immeadiatly with all the information I requested. Decent price to rent a good mountain bike. Both mechanics I spoke with were good guys. They added clipless pedals at my request. The kid who was working the day I picked up the bike helped me load it in the car. The guy who was there when I dropped off the bike made a special trip to their other store to pick up a cycling jersey that I liked that they didn't have in my size in the boulevard store. Rent from these guys!

  • Scott D'Andrea

    Scott D'Andrea


    Loved this place! Highly recommended. Gert and his team were super friendly, flexible, and responsive. Mountain bikes were dropped off and picked up at our resort...and the mtb trail system was amazing. Definitely will be giving them our business next year.

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