Bentang Bali i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaBentang Bali



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82, Caya Frans Figaroa, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 0040
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5659326, Longitude: -70.0316734

kommentar 5

  • en

    Frances Burrows


    Great place to eat authentic indonesian specialities from Bali. I go there regularly.

  • Patrice Lehocky

    Patrice Lehocky


    Amazing food including great veggie options! Not as spicy as the menu would imply (good for me) but had an amazing spicy sauce you can get on the side (perfect for my dining partner). We had a sprout/tofu dish, calimari & Bali chicken. All we fantastic & large portions. Also have alcohol & beer.

  • armando morales

    armando morales


    Great food,good service & affordable...

  • en

    Bob Ojala


    Very friendly and great food. If you have not tried Indonesian food, don’t be afraid to try it. Lots of rice and noodle dishes with different spicing than other Asian foods. Nothing to scare you away. Ask the waiter for an explanation, which items might be spicy, etc. I am a big eater and I had to take half of my meal home in a box. The waiter even warned us of that when we ordered. So the prices are even better than you think!

  • Ann Braun

    Ann Braun


    There are numerous Indonesian restaurants on the island and this one is up there with the best. Delicious food, friendly service. We plan to return.

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