Zeerovers Restaurant in Savaneta

ArubaZeerovers Restaurant


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🕗 openingstijden

260, Savaneta, Savaneta, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 584 8401
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4460003, Longitude: -69.9465634

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Anthony Hancock


    Boats pull up and drop their fresh catch. Nothing fresher.

  • Drew Stephens

    Drew Stephens


    Best shrimp ever! They remove the head and Devan but leave the shell and legs on. They season and deep fry. You have to peel and remove legs but it is fantastic. Needs no sauce. Staff very nice.

  • en

    Muhsin Demirkan


    Great fresh fish on a very relaxed setting. Go with shorts and flip-flops. Good view and tables by the water.

  • en

    Cerino Cerino


    A must visit place while in Aruba. You can go there by car, or by bus (it is at 5 min from a bus station - the bus that connects Oranjestad to San Nicholas). We arrived at 13:00 and had to wait around 1 hour to place the order. The fish is very well fried. The bananas also is a must have. The bred is actually more like a pancake. The fried potatoes are as usual (you should take less fries in order to be able to focus on the fish 😉).

  • Felix Estevez

    Felix Estevez


    Real local Aruba restaurant. The line was out the door which confirms how good the place was. It was def worth the wait. You pick your seafood fresh and then sit in the back of the restaurant which is right on the water. The view was spectacular. The food came out fresh and hot. The fried fish and shrimps were delicious. I highly recommend this spot.

Restaurant in de buurt

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