La Granja in Savaneta

ArubaLa Granja



🕗 openingstijden

2, Savaneta, Savaneta, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 582 2065
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4567722, Longitude: -69.9575863

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Aimar Diaz


    Very affordable quality food. A great option when on a budget

  • en

    L Maldonado


    This place serves a really good chicken!!! , tasty, really just perfect. Their very quick to serve, and even if their's a line you'll get through it easily.

  • John Carl Larmonie

    John Carl Larmonie


    Good food. Big portions. Lots of flavor. Bit pricey though. Love it.

  • en

    Blackteeth channel


    We like to find local restaurants and this was a really good find. I had the Macho fish and my girlfriend had the seafood rice. Both dishes were great and the portions enormous, we had left overs for a second meal... We did not try the chicken but our Air BnB host said it was really good as well... Will go back on our next visit to Aruba!

  • Marina Todeasa

    Marina Todeasa


    Delicious food with big portions, and friendly service. This is a casual place, you order, grab your own silverware, and then take your food on a tray to your table. They have sodas, juices, water, and beer available to purchase. Friendly service and they were happy to give me a box and bag for my leftovers.

Restaurant in de buurt

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