Tropical Digs in Oranjestad

ArubaTropical Digs


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🕗 openingstijden

J.E. Irausquin Blvd 41, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +1 905-951-1616
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5393788, Longitude: -70.0562691

opmerkingen 5

  • jonathan trotta

    jonathan trotta


    We enjoyed our stay here and would consider this place again. Staff was great, property is very nice. It is a little awkward checking in but they explain it well. The unit was clean, the issues we had was the A/C was set at 72 and you cannot adjust it or leave windows open, we would have been much more comfortable if it wasn’t freezing. The unit is furnished worse than my college apartment 3 spoons, couple of plates. We made due but I would think you would ensure that stuff is there every new guest you have. The other issue and this is common at a lot of rentals like this but half the fixtures (towel bars, closet doors, cabinet doors)where broken or almost broken and they meticulously set them up so they don’t look like it when you check in. It isn’t fun opening a cabinet and having the door come off in your hands and then wondering if we would be charged(we weren’t), just bothered me that they put just as much effort to make it seem not broken as it would take to just fix it. 3.5 stars if it was an option but 3 is too low.

  • Nelman Garage Automotive and Diesel Repair

    Nelman Garage Automotive and Diesel Repair


  • Kim Warren

    Kim Warren


    These are private condos located on Divi resort golf course. The unit had minimal necessities for being a condo. There were no coffee filters, no dish washing detergent, no paper towels or salt or pepper. The deposit was $500.00. There was no beach chairs, umbrellas or anything that would justify a $500 deposit. I went with my friend to check him into his unit on the same Divi Golf Resort and he received everything I did not. Including a welcome bottle of wine and a gift basket the following day. I had a single from Tropical Digs and he had a one bedroom and he only paid $10 more a night. Next time I will book directly with Divi Golf instead of Tropical Digs. Divi Resort only charged a $200 deposit. They did not have house keeping only towel exchange daily. It makes more sense to stay at Divi Golf Resort.

  • Marcus Barnes

    Marcus Barnes



  • Zachary Lado

    Zachary Lado


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