Tony Roma's Parking Lot in Noord

ArubaTony Roma's Parking Lot


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🕗 openingstijden

J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 7427
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.57538, Longitude: -70.0443669

opmerkingen 5

  • Rosa Tromp

    Rosa Tromp


  • Inverse



    best parking lot I've seen in a while, going to sleep there again

  • Lunar



    Very Gucci parking lot

  • Maurice Smits

    Maurice Smits


    With good food should come great service. Not. I got my beer dead (no foam). We sent back the fruit punch. This lead to the waiter not even looking at my girl anymore. Whenever he was at our table he was facing me. So we got the food. The filet mignon was marinated in such a way it didn't taste good, and on top of that, we had to slice away a lot of fat, which shouldn't be in a filet mignon. The ribeye tasted good, in the beginning, but when i got to the middle it was cold, so i sent it back. This lead to the waiter not even looking me in the eye anymore. Whenever he was at the table, he always faced a different direction than ours when talking to us. Clearly this guy was insulted. And NOT ONCE did ANY of the waiters asked if everything was in order! IMO, this TR is one big overpriced scam for tourists. No wonder there weren't any locals. We payed the bill and left. No tip. Unfortunately there is the service charge of 15%, yet there was hardly any service at all.

  • Deliomar Lacle

    Deliomar Lacle


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