Marriott Resort and Stellaris Casino Parking in Noord

ArubaMarriott Resort and Stellaris Casino Parking


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🕗 openingstijden

Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5802283, Longitude: -70.0423125

opmerkingen 5

  • Cristina Callamari

    Cristina Callamari


    Super cool and cozy. There are stores, restaurants, gym and tourism services inside. Clean, organized but in the end of the year, crowded.

  • Kim Rohrs

    Kim Rohrs


    This resort is beautiful and costumer service was top notch. Will definitely be back!

  • Jim Mangione

    Jim Mangione


    Really nice setup. Party in the lobby in he evenings - lots of fun with a good sushi bar. The pool was awesome, the restaurants were a great mix and the staff was overly friendly! This would be a 5 star if only it wasn’t so noisy between rooms. Maybe some additional white-noise would help 😉

  • Angelo Campanella

    Angelo Campanella


    Great full service Marriott in Aruba. Full service everything including concierge services who will do anything they can to make for a pleasant trip. Staff - excellent from front desk, house keeping and pool staff. La Vista restaurant was perfect for breakfast and wait staff especially Natasha were friendly and professional. Pool and beach were terrific, rooms exceptionally clean. Close to many restaurants and a longer walk to Arabashi Beach. Lobby restaurant and Starbucks were conveniently located. Happy hour 2 for 1 drinks were great.

  • A S

    A S


    Great place to stay no issues noted ‼️ Based on my reviews for quality of services .

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