Sweet Peppers Aruba Local Caribbean Restaurant & Bar i Palm Beach

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ArubaSweet Peppers Aruba Local Caribbean Restaurant & Bar



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J.E. Irausquin Blvd 382, Local F-101 (2nd floor) Paseo Herencia Mall, Palm Beach, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 0740
internet side: sweetpeppersaruba.restaurant
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Latitude: 12.5738657, Longitude: -70.0444001

kommentar 5

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    Damon Habibe


    My wife and I visited this restaurant on June 12. It was our first time to this restaurant. It will be certainly not our last. We are both lovers of ceviche. We went to this restaurant because we heard that they serve beef ceviche. The beef ceviche was to die for. Awesome. We order the coconut pineapple shrimp and the argentinean churrasco steak with chimichurri sauce. Both dishes were excellent. Our waiter was Joshua. Very friendly. We were greeted by Mr Harold Paesch, the owner. He talked with us for a little while. Very nice man. He sent mushroom sauce for the steak which was delicious. Wonderful place, nice atmosphere with a great view and excellent service. We will definitely go back and have again the beef ceviche and try different items on their menu. There are some interesting menu options. If you are in Aruba i recommend you try this restaurant. It is definite worth the visit. We had a great evening. I am a local and I will recommend this restaurant to all my friends.

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    Phil Garrod


    Great location, great food, great specials, very good service staff. Best of a great music, singer, guitar player very entertaining. Worth the visit.

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    Todd Blankenburg


    My wife and I visited this restaurant on 2/12/18 for our anniversary dinner. We were both absolutely impressed with the food, it was the best meal that either of us have ever had, no kidding. The atmosphere was very nice and everything was nice and clean. I will say that it was expensive though just because it is not in our normal price range for an every day meal but for a special occasion we would definitely go back. Great food, good atmosphere and good service, it’s definitely worth a visit.

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    Dave Richardson


    Wonderful place with a great view. Owners are wonderful hosts and staff very friendly. Happy hour drinks are a must as well as the ceviche. Stop here if you're in town.

  • Mary Olson

    Mary Olson


    Food was fair steak was not tender, they charge a 15% service Charge and waitress still acted like we needed to tip another 15 or 20% we did give another 5% on top of the 15%. She said all the restaurants have this service charge. But that’s not correct beware of this it’s very deceiving.

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