2 Fools And A Bull i Noord

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Aruba2 Fools And A Bull



🕗 åbningstider

17, 3, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 7177
internet side: 2foolsandabull.com
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Latitude: 12.5658806, Longitude: -70.0393499

kommentar 5

  • Feles Mala

    Feles Mala


    Wonderful wining and dining experience

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    Erik Haen


    Thank you for the magnificent evening, the good menu, jokes and service. Greetings from Holland. (The 4fools from Venlo)

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    Lynn Subick


    Absolutely FABULOUS from the moment the doors opened promptly at 7pm!!!! “Billy J” & Linda from Lonk Island and the 2 fools they brought from Mahwah enjoyed the atmosphere, company, and the amazing food. *BAS, YOU ARE TALENTED!! Thank you Paulie for keeping us in stitches. !!!!! Don’t miss 2 Fools and a Bull Gourmet Studio !!!!!

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    Randy C


    An absolute treat and a highpoint for our wonderful visit to Aruba. My wife and I were on the waiting list for about a month prior to our trip. It seats 16 and it was fully booked in advance the entire time we were in town. We got lucky and there was a cancellation. We began meeting our dinner companions as each arrived, standing outside in the beautiful weather waiting for the doors to open, right at 7 pm. The group was delightful, and included a surgeon, an anesthesiologist, a nurse, a urologist, a financier and a global businessman with their spouses, partners, or friends. They had all booked a year in advance. The company was engaging, Paulie and Bas were delightful, and the food was absolutely heavenly.

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    Raimee Ball


    The food and service were both fantastic first time loved it would recommend it! Absolutely go again !!!

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