Starbucks in Noord




🕗 openingstijden

382A, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 523 6752
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5738004, Longitude: -70.044373

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    O G


    Service is good - here is my problem with this place... this is my 3rd day in a row and I get the same thing everyday. Always $6.83.. and for some reason every single time they round up and not give me change. I asked today why they are doing it and they told me they don't have change that low...??? Reallly?? That is not my problem.. if you don't have the change round down! Not up... imagine they do this to thousands of customers every month.. it adds up..

  • Rain Aruba

    Rain Aruba


    They are always very nice and staff is very friendly!

  • Luis Craik

    Luis Craik


    Good location. Free wifi, pricey and that’s all.

  • Caro Marizan

    Caro Marizan


    My friends and I enjoy this starbucks very much, the staff is super friendly, the place is always spotless and their service is pretty fast too!

  • en

    Victor Sundin


    Stopped by at Starbucks for a coffee, not good. They didn't listen to what we ordered and made it wrong twice even though we were the only ones who ordered. We got told they don't do iced caramel latte at Starbucks. And it shouldn't require three people to wait for the microwave to warm up 2 cakes. Only 1 was warm.

Cafe in de buurt

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