Carito’s Bakery - Garden Cafe AW

ArubaCarito’s Bakery - Garden Cafe



🕗 openingstijden

14, Caya Cuida bo Cura, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 741 8177
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5405777, Longitude: -70.0459602

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Cefrenne Arendsz


    Delicious home made bakery.

  • Louisa Cangieter

    Louisa Cangieter


    Lots of patience and good service. Love the mini coffee shop. And the idea of pay & go system .

  • Jason Croes

    Jason Croes


    Everything they sell has a wonderfull taste. Love it!

  • Aleida Croes

    Aleida Croes


    It's a real treat to eat at Carito's Bakery. You can try the sweet, delicious and gorgeous looking cupcakes. The very tasty sandwiches and much more. The vegan menu is also very recommend! From sweet vegan cupcakes, to vegan nacho's or vegan pulled jackfruit and all the other, tasty vegan foods and drinks. Super friendly staff. Always there to help you. It's clean and very professional.

  • en

    Njook Chin-A-Fat


    Excellent place for sweets and coffee. Try the Blondie.... kind of like a brownie ...but with white chocolate. Their red velvet cupcake is awesome as well.

Cafe in de buurt

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