Rancho Foundation i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaRancho Foundation


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38, Koningstraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 562 8352
internet side: www.stichtingrancho.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.5212604, Longitude: -70.0387991

kommentar 5

  • William N. Mackenjas

    William N. Mackenjas


    Must see

  • Bas van Oers

    Bas van Oers


    Nice tour of the oldest parts of Aruba. You get to know a lot about the area and the struggles it has to deal with and where they want tonbe in the future.

  • Stacey Gifford

    Stacey Gifford


    Not a destination but you can include it on a historic tour of the city, it's just the bldg, you can't get inside

  • Isa Brown

    Isa Brown


    A very active foundation, constantly striving for the best in the Rancho community!

  • FDA/ RS

    FDA/ RS


    Gorgeous place.The western section of Aruba’s capital, Rancho, was originally an independent settlement. The expansion of urban sprawl eventually resulted in it being enfranchised within Oranjestad’s borders. The barrio is quite densely populated, and many of the homes occupied are landmark structures existing since the earliest colonial times. The area was noted for its salt flats and harbor, where fisherman brought in the catch and sold fish for Aruban kitchens and export. Visit. Enjoy. ****

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