Museum of Industry i San Nicolas

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ArubaMuseum of Industry



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Torenstraat, San Nicolas, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 584 7090
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Latitude: 12.4358543, Longitude: -69.9091732

kommentar 5

  • C.A. Margazano

    C.A. Margazano


    It was great to get out of the sun first off but this museum taught me so much. I highly recommend it if you're on the island.

  • Lativa Mercera

    Lativa Mercera


    After hearing interesting stories of the museum of industry I thought it was about time to pay it a visit. We made it a 5 galls Sanicolas visit my island kind of day. Entering the water tower felt like old met new. We were greeted by Edward who gave us a private tour. He knew a lot for sure, he took us back in time when Aruba as a tiny island was making a name for itself. He was very passionate about his work, was interactive with the group, answered our questions and we learned a lot of our island. They had beautiful pictures, old tools, maps and a nice timeline in the story! All by all, a very interesting museum, lots of valuable information, with a modern touch situated in a very beautiful old building. Worth the visit!

  • Diane Gaunt

    Diane Gaunt


    Lovely visit - thanks Edward for the lovely tour

  • Erin Price

    Erin Price


    Our guide was extremely knowledgeable about every aspect of Aruban history. It is a small museum, but we were there for over an hour, as our guide gave a fascinating tour.

  • CandiceMarisaZaniva Richardson

    CandiceMarisaZaniva Richardson


    This museum is set inside an old water tank which is just the start of the fantastic and superb tour... It's 5 entry fee that can be paid with cash or card. The museum is carefully and well set out for a historical/ chronological walk through Aruba's history which is a quite interesting story of prosperous ups and to me suspicious downs. It gives a beautiful display of the diversity and harmony that exists on the island. My tour was conducted by an extremely knowledgeable and polite guide ( I have no idea why his name slips me) who was answered all questions with enthusiasm. The tour ends in a theatre like room for tales from Arubans of older times I think the museum is a must see! We simply took a bus down from Oranjestad 2.50 and walked about 5 minutes in an easterly direction! You can see the tour from the bus park.

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