Rancho Daimari in Santa Cruz

ArubaRancho Daimari



🕗 openingstijden

Santa Cruz, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 6284
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5283913, Longitude: -69.9437565

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Brenda Lahr


    I would not recommend this place to anyone if I could rate in the negative I'd give it a-10 our guide was a creeper he was hitting on my wife and was hiding in the rocks at the natural pool waiting for us to go swimming needless to say we did not go swimming and then he told us the road was damaged and might not be able to get us back to town. Not a good idea for women to go out there alone. Our guides name was Carlos and they also had a lot of sick horses there as well.

  • Vincent Sabio

    Vincent Sabio


    Aruba Rancho Daimari is terrific. We did the horseback ride out to Natural Pool; it is THE ABSOLUTE BEST way to see the Natural Pool! It started with a van ride from the hotel in a very comfortable, air conditioned van. Pickup was right on time (even a few minutes early!), and the driver did a great job. At the Ranch, we signed waivers and received a very thorough briefing on horseback riding (three of us, including our 12yo son, are all horseback riding novices). The horses seemed healthy and well cared for. The ride out to the Pool was wonderful, and our guide stopped multiple times to take pictures of us, which were later posted on Facebook for us to download. We were escorted by several of the Ranch Doggies, who faithfully kept pace with the horses out and back. At the pool, we were encouraged to take all the time we needed -- and we spent quite a while there! In fact, several groups of 4wd ATVs came and went while we were there. On the way back to the Ranch, we got to gallop the horses a bit, which was loads of fun (especially for us novices). Then the same van ride back to the hotel. After we were dropped off, I realized that I'd left my hat in the van. I called them, and they immediately came back to the hotel to return the hat -- with a smile! There was absolutely nothing about this experience that we would have changed. We loved it, start to finish. In fact, we all agreed that it was the high point of a terrific Aruba vacation. If you plan to visit Natural Pool, the Aruba Rancho Daimari horseback ride is the only way to go.

  • Eula Biezen

    Eula Biezen


    I used to work with Rancho Daimari in 1998. I am glad to see it move forward. It is greatly improved. The horses are well fed and bathed regularly. Thank you for allowing me this great Joy. The work was hard and I was not the best guide in the beginning, but all of these wonderful creatures were very docile (well not ceresito who was a young stallion then) As I gained confidence, I became a better guide. The work is truly hard, but worth it. My favorites: La fina; Tamunague; Ceresito and Micheal. I wonder how they are doing? if they are in their retirement home already. And thank you for placing a weight limit on riders. It's a move that all horses I know are happy with. Please ask Alex to contact me. I left a message on your website.

  • en

    Francisca Cornejo


    Best time of my life. I finally rode a horse with confidence and on the BEACH!! Amazing trip. Rafael was the tour guide and he did not disappoint A true islander that made every minute unforgettable. I highly recommend this to people of all ages. The Natural pool is something everyone visiting must see. Thanks again Rafael.

  • en

    Peter Scherrer


    Best experience in Aruba. A must do in Aruba. Rafael, the tour guide was amazing. I highly recommend this for anyone wanting to see more of Aruba than just the hotel or restaurants. He confirmed to me that Aruba is truly one happy island.

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