Old Man and the Sea Ocean Villas in Savaneta

ArubaOld Man and the Sea Ocean Villas



🕗 openingstijden

356A, Savaneta, Savaneta, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 594 1808
website: www.arubaoceanvillas.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4439981, Longitude: -69.9432194

opmerkingen 5

  • Daniel H.

    Daniel H.


    Amazing peacfull place. The food is awesom but most outstanding is the friendly staff!

  • Esmeralda Ponce

    Esmeralda Ponce


    Spectacular place... in our honeymoon, a dream come true ❤

  • Bas Berends

    Bas Berends


    Een van de mooiste locaties die ik bezocht heb tijdens mijn bezoek aan Aruba.

  • en

    John Zarlenga


    My wife and I had an amazing experience here! The pictures do not even begin to do it justice. It was so peaceful and relaxing. The villas were amazing, and the staff was so friendly and accommodating! They made us feel like the only two people on the island. I would absolutely recommend and can't wait to go back!

  • Bhaskar Reddy

    Bhaskar Reddy


    We stayed here for a week and cant stop praising the place. Great service! Amazing staff ! And the food .. was just amazing !! The chef Anna asks you what you like and works with that information to create exceptional dishes on par or better than the big named restaurants. My wife is a vegetarian and a picky eater who loved the food quality and the variety of option she got. We had the most amazing salads, seafood and desserts !! You have to remember that you have a personal chef making your dinner so that its perfect for you so you might have to wait a bit between your courses but who cares about the wait with the view in front of you! The staff totally pamper you. They are very friendly and accommodating! I would recommend anyone who is looking to visit aruba to stay here . It's a unique experience for couples especially. The peace and quiet you will experience at the old man and the sea ocean villas will make your get away even better !!

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