Club Arias Bed & Breakfast Aruba in Savaneta

ArubaClub Arias Bed & Breakfast Aruba


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🕗 openingstijden

123-K, Savaneta, Savaneta, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 593 3408
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4500613, Longitude: -69.9458895

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Joshua Waddups


    Great place to stay. We had a reservation that was in a cargo container. It was simple but ok for a few days. Pillows and mattress could he better. Resort was nice, but could use some upkeep. Aruba Bob is great, but wasn't used this trip.

  • ed sweeney

    ed sweeney


    While the room itself is amazing, to be greeted at the door with trash strewn about and a empty rundown property is hard to get past. The property's exterior amenities are all 4 years past prime and it shows. The interiors of each room are beautiful. The chef is amazing.

  • Nick Mikhail

    Nick Mikhail


    Great place to stay, food at the attached restaurant is good, the staff are awesome. We really enjoyed here and plan to be back.

  • en

    Connie White


    Staff excellent. Cozy place. Rooms were huge beds very comfortable. True tranquility Compliments to Chef Highly recommend this place

  • Da Crew

    Da Crew


    I have a hard time understanding all the positive reviews. The place is run down. Our room smelled like mildew. The pool was not clean, but most of all the staff especially the owner, were rude! I would never stay here again. I've been coming to Aruba over 25 years, they are known for their hospitality and friendliness, but this place is NOT a good example of that.

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