Diamonds international Aruba in Oranjestad

ArubaDiamonds international Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

17, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 0443
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5205913, Longitude: -70.0413051

opmerkingen 5

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    Not the most polite staff forced me to forget about buying anything.

  • AshleeSeeks



    My Mother and I went to Diamonds International to make a purchase while we were in Aruba. We attempted to ask a woman for help and before we could even ask for what we were looking for she repeatedly told us to go to the free charm desk....she assumed we were only there for a free charm....when we were finally able to get a word in and tell her we were interested in a specific necklace, she rudely said "you know you have to purchase that"....excuse me? We have NEVER been so disgusted. My apologies, do we not look like your typical clientele? We had just come from an excursion and were wearing active wear. Perhaps this is why we were discriminated against? My mother works with jewelry, she owns many beautiful pieces and was hoping to commemorate our trip to Aruba with a new piece. After the way we were treated we left, we will spend our money elsewhere and will not be shopping at Diamonds International again.

  • Andy Schisler

    Andy Schisler


    Very friendly and helpful staff. It is easy to spend some mullah at this place. Lol

  • Ajur Z.

    Ajur Z.


    On the day before my flight I finally decided to purchase the gold necklace I tried on the other day. However the workers rudely stated they they are working but will not let us in because they are busy so it will take them additional 30 minutes. I obviously didn't have time and left very unhappy. I don't recommend coming here to see rude and disrespectful staff towards their customers!

  • Juan Ortiz

    Juan Ortiz


    Good wacth

Juwelier in de buurt

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