Royal Jewels & Diamonds in Oranjestad

ArubaRoyal Jewels & Diamonds



🕗 openingstijden

Royal Plaza Mall L.G. Smith Boulevard 94 Oranjestad, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 5520
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5204085, Longitude: -70.0394118

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Amal Farhat


    Hands down, this is the absolute best jewellery store on the island! Raj, Carleen, Ron, Anne, and the entire staff will provide you with the BEST service, guaranteed!

  • en

    Lorraine Lenardson


    Royal Jewels is the only jewelry store I will shop for quality diamonds in Aruba. Raj and staff are exceptional, not only have I brought some magnificent pieces of jewelry Raj has designed a few pieces that are one of a kind. Thank you Raj will see you next time in Aruba. Lorraine & Pat

  • Lucia Cunningham

    Lucia Cunningham


    We have been shopping with Raj at Royal for over 10 years. The prices and service after the sale is unmatched. Always our first choice for quality in Aruba jewelry.

  • en

    Jennifer Rodrigues


    Raj was knowledgeable, helpful, and friendly...not pushy! I have found most stores in the area are either following you around the store or push you to make a purchase. The quality is top notch and very fairly priced. I recommend him 100%

  • en

    Penney Smith


    Raj and the staff here are awesome. They make you feel welcome, never overly pushy and the jewelry is beautiful. I get tons of compliments.

Juwelier in de buurt

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