CENTURY 21 Aruba Real Estate in Noord

ArubaCENTURY 21 Aruba Real Estate



🕗 openingstijden

4-G, 3, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 4242
website: www.arubahouses.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5649644, Longitude: -70.0382018

opmerkingen 5

  • Jeng Pietersz

    Jeng Pietersz


    Very proffesional.

  • joseph dicellis

    joseph dicellis


    Great attitude

  • G J

    G J


    Our agent, Simona, was awesome and we would highly recommend her and Century 21 if you are considering a property purchase in Aruba. She walked us through every detail along the way and did not pressure us at all. You will be in goods hands.

  • Denica Johnson

    Denica Johnson


    (This review has been written on behalf of my mom, Dorna) I am very satisfied with the services Meryl Luidens supplied at Century 21 Aruba. This was all new and somewhat overwhelming at times but Meryl helped me every step of the way. I found her to be extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of the service she provides so she was able to answer any questions or concerns I had and was always available to address these matters. I am so impressed and grateful with how easy and friendly she was to work with. I followed her advice and my house rented quickly every time . I have been very pleased with the tenants she has found me in the 10+ years I have worked with her. Meryl is very intelligent, hard working, punctual and very good at what she does. Highly recommend! Thanks again, Meryl!!

  • Willem Hung

    Willem Hung


    Very dissappointed with the service. They were recommended by our dutch bank and we were asked to provide some documents. Upon asking for more details there was no response anymore. Real estate agent seemed to be uninterested after visiting the property. The bank will definitely not recommend Century 21 anymore.

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