Aruba Happy Rentals in Noord

ArubaAruba Happy Rentals



🕗 openingstijden

Boegoeroei, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 2662
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.553072, Longitude: -70.033323

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Robin Jinchereau


    Villa Gloria is a completely renovated house located three car minutes from Palm Beach, five car minutes to the Tiera Del Sol golf club in the quiet area of Boroncana. This gorgeous Villa has three bedrooms. Each bedroom has its own air conditioner and TV equipped with Netflix. The beds are equipped with high-quality linen and high-end mattress. The master has a king size bed and the other two are queen-sized. The gourmet kitchen is fully equipped with all the best appliances, including a wine fridge and a full spice rack.The living room has a plasma TV with Netflix and is fully air-conditioned. Villa Gloria is a tastefully decorated house which has the feel of the Caribbean. The bathrooms are fully equipped with hot water and glass showers. The property is tastefully landscaped with a private pool. In the backyard oasis, there are loungers, umbrellas, there is a shaded patio with island breezes to enjoy breakfast , lunch or dinner. There is a Weber barbecue with a Searing station connected to the main gas. You can relax in a comfortable patio set in the shade arbor. There’s a washer and dryer in the Casita. The owners have a nice size collection of books in case you like to read which includes both his and her selections in fiction and travel. The property is fully fenced in for privacy. The house provides Wi-Fi and enhanced cable with Netflix to keep you entertained. The house is three car minutes from the Ritz Carlton in the famous Palm beach hotel zone. This area has numerous restaurants, shops, casinos and cinemas to enjoy your stay in Aruba. The food shopping stores Super Food and Ling and sons are only 8 car minutes away. The famous Malmok and Arashi beaches, for snorkelling, are only 5 to 6 car minutes away. You will truly be in the heart of the action by choosing this villa and you are bound to enjoy yourself

  • Thierry -

    Thierry -


    Last summer I went to Aruba Dream Villa. The house was amazing, everything was perfect. The decor of the house is very beautiful, the garden is beautiful and the pool is fantastic! The staff from Aruba Happy Rentals is very friendly. I asked them for advice about excursions on Aruba. They recommended me the perfect excursion! In the future I will definitely book again at Aruba Happy Rentals!

  • es

    Jose Rocha


    Desde el año 2012 soy cliente de ARUBA HAPPY RENTALS, y considero que hemos mantenido una excelente relación, recibiendo una muy buena atención de todo su personal, y no dudo en recomendarlos por su eficiencia, honestidad y la calidad de todos sus servicios

  • en

    Matthew Chan


    Thank you so much Aruba Happy Rentals. Special gratitude to Albert and Gwendelin for their continuing support. Aruba Happy Rentals comes highly recommended. I love Aruba !

  • Mike Dougherty

    Mike Dougherty


    The team at Aruba Happy Rentals are always quick to respond. Helped me find a great chef for our stay as well as found a car rental for us. The lady who helped us, Alyssa was always ready to answer any questions we had even before reaching the island and gave us a lot of great tips. 10/10 would recommend.

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