Aqua Windie’s in Oranjestad

ArubaAqua Windie’s



🕗 openingstijden

Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Blvd 4, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 5669
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5442998, Longitude: -70.0578503

opmerkingen 5

  • John Stroud

    John Stroud


    Great outfit. Picked me up from my hotel. Done a two tank dive, fed us a snack during our 1 hour surface time, and dropped me back off at the hotel. They keep the groups small and make sure your dive is enjoyable

  • en

    Timm Bottoni


    Great crew, boats and gear. Top notch dive shop and organization for scuba diving in Aruba.

  • en

    Tm Andersen


    First time in Aruba, I was very nervous about diving, since I haven't dove in 13 years. So I contacted Aqua Windies about a refresher course. They were extremely friendly! Nora, one of the Dive Masters, was excellent! Not once did she make me feel uncomfortable. After the refresher course we went diving at one of their local sites. If you haven't dove in a while or even if your an expert, Aqua Windies should be on the very top of your Aruba schedule. You got to check out their site because they offer so much more than diving!

  • Jeremy Joslin

    Jeremy Joslin


    Learn to Scuba was great! Iris was very patient and understanding. Excellent people and experience! Highly recommend

  • Erik Nijhuis

    Erik Nijhuis


    Great and friendly staff! Great to get your certs and for diving trips! If you love to dive be sure to visit them!

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