Zeerovers i Savaneta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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270, Savaneta, Savaneta, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 584 8401
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 12.4460833, Longitude: -69.9465307

kommentar 5

  • Corey Kirk

    Corey Kirk


    Good fried food (everything is deep fried). This place gets crowded quick. You have to get there early if you want more variety of fish to choose from but shrimp is plentiful. The pepper sauce is a must with your meal.

  • Sandra Weise

    Sandra Weise


    So fresh and yummy! Our table ordered and they pulled out fresh fish and seafood right there in front of you then pass it to the sea side chefs! It's awesome. You can taste the difference and $60 for 4 people!

  • G



    Stopped in after a day at baby beach the food is fresh and delicious ! One of the best seaside restaurants I've been to. Simplicity! And you can't beat the price. Don't let this part of the island frighten you.

  • en

    Bill Strange


    If you like fresh fried fish and shrimp this is the place. Fisherman land their fish at the kitchen back door that's how fresh it is. Word of caution it can be very busy on Friday, Saturdays and Sundays but worth the wait just enjoy the scenery.

  • Scott Layman

    Scott Layman


    Casual local dining. Relaxed atmosphere. Bring cash! They only serve the fresh catch of the day with some tasty sides. Large portions simply prepared by frying. If you want a t shirt and flip flops dining experience on a pier... Eat here!

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