Xavier University i Oranjestad

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ArubaXavier University


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23, Santa Helenastraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 588 7766
internet side: www.xusom.com
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Latitude: 12.5311618, Longitude: -70.0373037

kommentar 5

  • Bobby Semendy

    Bobby Semendy


    I've got stories about this place....used to work there

  • en

    random account


    I’ve been thinking about writing this for a long time. I just never got around to it. Now that I’m done with this school, I will give you some pros and cons, as well as an honest review of Xavier University School of Medicine. I’m not going to go to give too much detail about myself but I’m gonna tell you a little bit of my history here. I was there for a good amount of time (more than 2 semesters). In that time, things have changed drastically but the core things have stayed the same. So the pros and cons. Pros: tuition is affordable, the housing is cheaper than most places, you have full accreditation from two highly regarded accreditation agencies, you are able to take step 1 and all other exams. Students have matched into programs like internal medicine, family medicine and psychiatry. One person got into plastic surgery. If you work hard, you can(I use this term very lightly) make it. Now to the Cons. The tuition is cheap if you are not paying out of pocket(aka loans, rich family), which a lot of people are paying out of pocket. I know the school has payment plans but it’s still way too high to be paying $11,000 to $12,000 in one go. Also for U.S. students, there are no federal loan programs. Another con is that the island is way too expensive for everything. Medical expenses can be very high even with insurance. If you get sick, go back to the U.S. because the treatment here is not that good. Food is twice as much in the U.S. Everything here pretty much is twice as expensive. Another Con is that the school’s building is very rundown. There are roaches and insects that you occasionally might find in classrooms. Another con is that the students here are some of the worst you’ll ever find. They are arrogant, like to gossip a lot, very judgmental, and make life very hard for students who just want to study. Another con is that teaching is very inconsistent. You have good teachers for one subject then really bad for the rest. The powerpoints are old and have not been updated in 5 years. The tests are written poorly for professors who have doctorate degrees. You basically have to buy review books and question banks (which majority students do) to pass their exams. My personal view is that it’s an okay school for what you are paying but there are better places. Majority of people in this school will not even make it to step 1. You have to pass the CBSE (a final exam after the sixth semester) in order to take step 1 which a majority of people fail. Even those who pass step 1 will get below average board scores. It’s a combination of bad teaching and bad students. They let almost anybody into the school just so they can get quick cash. They let in a professor who was basically a wanted criminal in the united states. They let in one student who had a mental illness that was very serious and he ended getting expelled for robbing a store and doing drugs. The school is very greedy and treat both the students and the professors bad. A lot of good professors have left because of this. The students are expected to attend classes until almost 5pm for most days. Then they are forced to participate in events that have nothing to do with their studying. This is all for “accreditation”. Some events are for pseudoscience and not even medicine. They threaten to put this on your record if you don’t attend. The teaching is a colossal waste of time and you’re not allowed to skip any classes. Some students learn better by themselves but the school denies them anytime to do anything besides attend classes and events. There are OSCEs every semester that you have to pass or you have to waste time to retake it. Some students have had to come back after their 6th semester to take an OSCE they failed in their 3rd semester. It gets in the way of your actual studying and some people fail their finals because of all this external pressure. So in my honest review, Xavier University School of Medicine is tolerable to some degree and you can make it if you persevere, but only if you are willing to put up with everything that comes with it.

  • Alyssa Dougherty

    Alyssa Dougherty


    Absolutely awful place. If you are desperate to get into med school, don't be this desperate. If you are desperate for a job, don't apply here. I worked here for 2 weeks, worst 2 weeks of my life. I was hired for immigration and they made me do receptionist work (even though I have a bachelors degree) and all the employees (apart from maybe 2) treated me like aboslute garbage. It's a garbage organization with garbage people.

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    Albert Roos


    The Dean came out and sent the guards to kick me out when I said I was taking pictures and asking questions for Google!! Awful people and terrible experience.

  • Valerie Griffin

    Valerie Griffin


    The quality of education is nothing next to United States medical schools. First hand experience in Aruba ER, universal precautions must not be necessary. Don't waste your passion at a school that will not prepare you for how rigorous being a licensed medical doctor. Any school that advertises MCATs not needed, run, run!

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