Trinidad Stadium i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaTrinidad Stadium


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Stadionweg, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 582 7488
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Latitude: 12.5131469, Longitude: -70.0238475

kommentar 5

  • Anthonny Salas

    Anthonny Salas


    A sports center for athletics and soccer, but the government already has to invest a little more money in this infrastructure, which is already deteriorating especially the athletics track.

  • en

    Agnes Faithful Wilson


    You can see the games very good , bathroom is clean good service

  • en

    Dianne Arrindell


    Its good for sports football the school childern all way viste to play games

  • bart kool

    bart kool


    Beautifull arena. Underused

  • Roël Gomez

    Roël Gomez


    Stadium is located in Dakota. Mostly used for soccer/football and athleticism. Soccer/football Standard 50m x 100m area with fake grass. Athleticism consits of the following 1. 400m track (with markings of 100m 200m) 2. High jump 3. Long jump 4. Shot put 5. Hurdles 6. Estafette 7. And a few more discipline Hockey Portable goal nets Amenities Bathroom and changing room. A gym in the front. When competition is in effect, you are able to buy food and drinks at the kiosk. National and international competitions Overall a nice stadium with room for improvements regarding modernizing equipment.

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