SUPER Do it Center Shaba & Groceries i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaSUPER Do it Center Shaba & Groceries



🕗 åbningstider

3, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 583 1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5526366, Longitude: -70.0313025

kommentar 5

  • MM Benoit

    MM Benoit


    Great place to shop for the home. Also a grocery store was added. Good place to SHOP . Parking is adequate and handicap access is available. ATM located on the outside. Staff is friendly and helpful.

  • Nora & Angela Cappiello

    Nora & Angela Cappiello


    Good variety of supplies; fresh frozen & household supplies all in one stop shop!!! Friendly & helpful staff. Nice bakery!! Wish your croessants were prices like SuperFood. Where's the lasagna,? We miss it

  • George Cheng Bombelman

    George Cheng Bombelman


    Nice place for hardware and other stuff for in and around your home, office and workplace. Also has a supermarket inside with lots of fresh produce. I recommend !

  • Gina Floryan

    Gina Floryan


    Great store on the island. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Coming from the states this is my go to store here! They have everything u need for your home and better prices on groceries than the big name grocery stores here. 5 star shopping :)

  • danilo bou

    danilo bou


    Is.a nice place for groseries, liquor.and hardware, sometimes.have very good offers

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