Oceania Residences i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaOceania Residences


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238, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 594 6827
internet side: www.oceaniaarubarentals.com
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Latitude: 12.5480763, Longitude: -70.0566687

kommentar 5

  • Laughter yogui Girl

    Laughter yogui Girl


    the view and location are GREAT. their employees are friendly and hard-working. the areas are impeccable It is unfortunate how such an expensive building is falling apart. I have been there and I have seen the cracks in the walls and ceilings, a lot of material rusting and in very bad condition

  • Corliss Vaughn

    Corliss Vaughn


    Had a great time! Property is well maintained and real estate agent made sure our needs were addressed.

  • Sean Trevitt

    Sean Trevitt


    Rented a 3 bedroom condo (plenty of space for all 8 of us), beach is right across the street, multiple pools, gym, tennis, basketball court.

  • Taco Crisma

    Taco Crisma


    Incredible. This will be our second time staying here. This is for those who are self sufficient and want to relax without the touristy nonsense. Security is excellent. Get a room with a view and enjoy three pools and a 3 minute walk to the beach. Condos have a full kitchen with amenities and a balcony or two. The penthouse has a roof patio. Superfoods and Ling and Sons are right around the corner; stock up for the week and enjoy eagle beach across the street in total paradise. Book through Prestige Realty, they're fantastic.

  • Michael McDowell

    Michael McDowell


    This place is great, pools are clear and wonderful, very quiet, awesome beach across the street, close proximity to grocery store, staff was phenomenal, very clean and updated. If your looking for peace and quiet this is the place, only downside is if you like nightlife you have to go a couple miles one way or the other and the road out front can be loud at night sometimes.

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