Mopa Mopa i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaMopa Mopa



🕗 åbningstider

9, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 588 7297
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.516779, Longitude: -70.036918

kommentar 5

  • Ainhoa G. G.

    Ainhoa G. G.


    Been a fan since forever.

  • Geocentric Max

    Geocentric Max


    I bought these beautiful pieces of AUTHENTIC ART. The picture makes the pieces seem a bit small. The amount of detail and the work the artists have put into it, is worth all the money that I have spent. This is a store that has been supporting a family in the South of Colombia for more than 30 years. As it is dificult to reach that place I always buy and support them from Aruba.. Thank you MOPA MOPA..

  • Maria Ferrell

    Maria Ferrell


    Love what they sell

  • kathy fava

    kathy fava


    Really interesting and beautiful art. A must see. Bought some lovely bookmarks for the folks at home.

  • Kristina Sarkissian

    Kristina Sarkissian


    We happened to wonder into the store purely by accident trying to kill some time and we were drawn in by the unique art. Love the store and the woman that tends to it. We ended up buying a few pieces as gifts.

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