Luminous Nails & Salon i Oranjestad

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ArubaLuminous Nails & Salon



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5, Caya Harmonia, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 280 8653
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5484777, Longitude: -70.0517705

kommentar 5

  • Jenny Boekhoudt Tromp

    Jenny Boekhoudt Tromp


    They treat you like a queen and they have a lot of patience with their clients. There main goal is, that at the end of your treatment, you leave feeling satisfied. Good job Luminous💝

  • Luenne Gomez

    Luenne Gomez


    Great service and good quality of professional staff members. You will definitely feel at home and relaxed! The results? Fabulous nails!

  • Kelly Brown

    Kelly Brown


    I have had several manicures and pedicures throughout my extended stay here in Aruba at luminous. Each one has been 100 times better than any I've had in the states. They take their time and get ALL of the dead skin off. They even "fixed" my hideous cracked big toe nail with acrylic, you can't even tell. Belkis is amazing with hair. I was nervous at first because I go to the same girl for years back home and have had some bad experiences. Well it came time to cover my grays here in Aruba and it came out beautiful. In fact, I came back to Belkis for full highlights. I can't recommend this business enough. They are kind and friendly and priced very well too. If you are only English speaking, it may be helpful to download google translate if you need to be very specific about what you would like to have done (not necessary for mani/pedi). They also text on WhatsApp for appointments!

  • Mendy de Koning

    Mendy de Koning


    Im a regular customer of Luminous salon for about a year now. Me and my mom go every three weeks for an acrylic-gel refill and we are always satisfied! I love that Luminous is always up to date with the newest O.P.I. collection because I like trying out new colors. You are never limited to certain colors. I really appreciate how they leave the acrylic-gel on my nails looking natural and not bulky. I also love how they add a special exfoliating massage in between. I am not used to that at other salons. The service is good and the owner Angie makes sure that the salon is always clean.

  • Abedah Tarchid

    Abedah Tarchid


    I am visiting Aruba for the first time and I came to this nail salon as a last minute decision and they had availability when all the other salons did not and they are very reasonably priced compared to all the other nail salons .the nail techs were professional and nice . I will be back on my next trip to Aruba

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