La Felicidad i Paradera

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaLa Felicidad



🕗 åbningstider

Paradera 34 J, Paradera, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 560 0304
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.534147, Longitude: -70.0097

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sonja Boice


    Great hosts! Beautiful pool and garden. Nice pool cabana room. Quiet and private.

  • Gabriela Gonzalez

    Gabriela Gonzalez


    Un lugar agradable donde pasar la noche, con algunas facilidades para hacer de tu estadia en Aruba un momento genial!

  • Emmanuel Dover

    Emmanuel Dover


    This place is an oasis, paradise but yet still provides a feeling of having a home away from home. It was comfortable, the washroom was functional, kitchen fully functional, bedrooms were clean and comfy. Most importantly the Air Conditioning was amazing with one AC in every room. It made our stay spectacular with awesome views of Aruba on the terrace, and the best pool with an amazing backyard landscape. All in all this place is amazing. Keep in mind I stayed for 7 days we got new towels and our housekeeper cleaned and folded our clothes while we were gone with our permission which made us feel really good. It also has a great central location and easy and quick access to anywhere on the island which made doing excursions so much easier. I ❤️ARUBA and La Felicidad WI-FI ISSUES SOLVED P.s. If you are having issues with the wifi all you have to do is... (IPHONE USERS) 1. Go to Settings 2. Go to General 3. Go to Reset, all the way at the bottom 4. Click Reset Network Settings 5. Your phone will restart and then try connecting to the Wi-Fi again. This should help and make your stay more comfortable.

  • Oscar David Rojas Morillo

    Oscar David Rojas Morillo


    Fantastic place, Friso as host is the best! Was a wonderful experience in Aruba had been in La Felicidad

  • Kevin Harrington

    Kevin Harrington


    Excellent staff and very clean facilities. Food and liquor store around the corner. Will visit again.

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