Hooiberg Lookout i Mount Hooiberg

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ArubaHooiberg Lookout



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Road from Oranjestad (Caya G.F. Croes) to Santa Cruz, Mount Hooiberg, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297
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Latitude: 12.517, Longitude: -69.9945

kommentar 5

  • Michael Caro

    Michael Caro


    What a great physical activity. almost 700 steps to the top. Great views of the island. Go earlier or later in the day to avoid sun and heat.

  • Jesse Gill

    Jesse Gill


    Nice quick hike with a great 360 degree view of most of the island, even on a hazy day. The trail is paved steps the whole way, just be careful at the top, as it can get very windy.

  • Andre Carioca

    Andre Carioca


    Highest hill in the country! 600+ steps and a pretty great view and breeze on top 👌

  • steve



    Hooiberg, scenic and place for locals to get excellent exercise, is also known for its own igneous rock called hooibergiet, easy to spot from its consistent array of peculiar sized crystals. If anyone is up to the challenge, my fastest time climbing (from lower gazebo island at the base, to the radio tower) is 5:14. Try and beat it. Planning on going in the 4’s this summer

  • Chris Luchini

    Chris Luchini


    Either 569 or 589 steps, take your pic it's deep but the stairs are in good condition. There's a handrail for portions of it. It's not developed at the top, just a bunch of antenna buildings but there's three or four good Lookouts in most directions. There's more graffiti than on most of the island, but it does appear to be mostly from us tourists. Got to love it when my fellow countrymen are slobs.

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