Gemani Jewelers i Oranjestad

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ArubaGemani Jewelers



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90-92, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 588 4242
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5198253, Longitude: -70.0393634

kommentar 5

  • Asha Abaza

    Asha Abaza


    This place and the staff NEVER disappointed, exceptional quality combined with excellent customer service, thank you for 20 years of consistent excellent service. SIMPLY THE BEST

  • Gary DiRaimo

    Gary DiRaimo


    My husband engaged me with my diamond that Varsha designed. It is not only one of a kind but it is truly gorgeous! My wedding band, watch and diamond bracelet also designed by Varsha has since been bought. I love the people, the jewelry but most of all their honesty. See you soon! Rebecca

  • Linda Bonomo

    Linda Bonomo


    Second time I’ve purchased a bracelet here. Beautiful jewelry and really great service. Brad - 23 helped me and was never pushy or intimidating. I highly recommend Gemani. Also gave us great lunch recommendation.

  • Alex Brockman

    Alex Brockman


    I had an amazing experience! I bought my girlfriend (now fiance 😉) her engagement ring here. Not only were we treated like family, I come home to find out the ring is appraised at much more than it was purchased for! She gets compliments on it ALL THE TIME! We love it! haha

  • Christine Bernero

    Christine Bernero


    Very reputable. We have been dealing with them for over 12 years. Love the quality, unique designs and personalized customer service. I always get me jewelry appraised when I get back to the states and am always thrilled that it appraises much higher than I paid.

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