Flying Fishbone i Savaneta

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ArubaFlying Fishbone



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344, Savaneta, Savaneta, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 584 2506
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.4449109, Longitude: -69.9442488

kommentar 5

  • Sheri A

    Sheri A


    It is one of my favorite places ever. A little hard to find but worth the trip. Food was great and the atmosphere just as great. Very romantic place. Make reservations if you want a sunset dinner and table close to the water.

  • James Thann

    James Thann


    Just amazing. It's a must see and do. It's pricey but the views and ambience are completely worth it. If you get the right table your feet are in the sand and water. It's out of the way to some degree, but definitely required for a great Aruba trip. Be ready to spend some dollars.

  • MM Benoit

    MM Benoit


    Great place to have an excellent dinner. Friendly and knowledgeable staff. The setting at night is so awesome, the food is to die for. Get a cab to get out there if not familiar with island. It's worth the drive.

  • en

    Romeo Naves


    The lady who helped us was great! The fish tasted really good. The feeling of the waves touching your feet is unique. The bill was almost $100 for two people, but let me tell you is an experience that you will never forget.

  • en

    Ellen Campbell


    Our table of 8 had a wonderful time. We all ordered different meals and they were amazing. Actually probably the best we have ever had while on vacation. The staff was very friendly and took time to take pictures for many of the guest.. This place is high on our list of favorites and we would highly recommend while visiting Aruba.

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