Flortiek by Wilson i Oranjestad

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ArubaFlortiek by Wilson



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96, Ponton, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 587 6206
internet side: www.flortiek.com
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Latitude: 12.5434449, Longitude: -70.0306477

kommentar 5

  • Manoj Alwani

    Manoj Alwani


    Been a customer of Wilson for years. I have tried all the florists in Aruba and Wilson himself with his own hands is by far the best or the wonderful lady I forget her name she is working with him for 13 years. Wilson thank you for making the bouquet with so much Love. My fiance will absolutely love this. It's exactly what I wanted. Thank you and thank you.

  • Richard Lopez Henriquez

    Richard Lopez Henriquez


    I live close to Floritiek but they are the best in Flower arrangements

  • Stephanie Bridge

    Stephanie Bridge


    My husband and I worked with Wilson for our wedding. He was lovely to work with and we were so pleased with the finished product! He did a wonderful job. The flowers we're absolutely beautiful. We had a relatively small budget and Wilson was able to work with us and give a spectacular finished product. I would recommend him without reservation for all of your floral needs!! Thank You so much for making my wedding so beautiful Wilson! It was an absolute pleasure working with you.

  • Israel Posner

    Israel Posner


    This florist has a good location, great and friendly service and the price is reasonable. They get their flowers from Colombia.

  • La Guapa

    La Guapa


    Strange to walk in a flowershop and not see flowers, only a chic lounge. But the flower arrangement they quickly made for me was beautiful. And not expensive.

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