First Class Experience Aruba i Oranjestad

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ArubaFirst Class Experience Aruba



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70 E, Sabana Blanco, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 582 4838
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5097486, Longitude: -70.0100809

kommentar 4

  • marquis S

    marquis S


    First Class Experience Aruba is the best of the best hands down. Joshwin was the one to assist me and he was great helpful and very respectful. Cant wait to use them again when i travel back.

  • Anton Khinchuk

    Anton Khinchuk


    In a world where you truly get what you pay for, First Class Aruba VIP arrival and departure service is worth every dollar and so much more. My wife and I had the pleasure of utilizing the VIP service on our last trip to Aruba (May 2019) and I must say that it was absolutely an amazing experience. The level of professionalism, white glove service, personalized care and attention to detail was second to none. It all starts with meticulous communication once the reservation was confirmed. It continued with how we were greeted upon arrival and continued all the way through our departure. If you have ever traveled to Aruba, you have more than likely experienced the long wait in lines while getting through customs when traveling back to the US. This trip was our 14th to Aruba and in the past, we had always added at least four hours to our schedule as that is how long it usually took us to get to our gate. On this trip, with the assistance of our First Class Aruba hosts, it took all of 38 minutes from the time that the host met us at the ticket counter to the time that we were sipping on complementary champagne and enjoying finger sandwiches in the VIP lounge. Upon checking in our bags with JetBlue, we were whisked away and escorted past what seemed like thousands of people waiting to go through two or three check points at several stops. Equally as important was the stress that was completely eliminated by our VIP hosts. It was the absolute perfect ending to an amazing vacation. Needless to say, we will always be using First Class Aruba for every trip back to Aruba and will be recommending them to everyone else that we know.

  • marge frink

    marge frink


    I am a senior and have done very limited travel outside the US. My kids invited me to visit them in Aruba and I jumped at the chance. They said that manipulating the airport going out of Aruba was not easy so they hired First Class Experience Aruba to guide me through. This was great ... Milly, met me at the door to the airport and guided me through both Aruba and Us immigrations ...She made everything easy and FAST . we were able to by pass huge lines. When all the detail were completed I had about two hours to wait. IN A VIP Lounge. Again, This was great as it was a Saturday in Feb and the airpot terminal was packed. there were No seats at gates or restaurants.While in the lounge, I had delicious soup and sandwiches , Free drinks and wonderful relaxed conversations with the three lovely hostesses in the lounge. I left directly to my fight from there relaxed and full. For me this could not have been a better way to leave the "happy little island". Thanks especially to Milly and my Kids.

  • Veronica Kastukevich

    Veronica Kastukevich


    We used the services of First Class travel and enjoyed both the arrival and departure services. They greet you as you arrive into Aruba, and whisk you through the airport lines. Leaving Aruba you have to get to the airport 3 hours in advance, because TSA clears you for your arrival into the USA. There are several lines to go through, this saved us time and it was great to have the private lounge with drinks and snacks as we waited for our departure. Kudos to Joshnan and Joshwin and the entire staff at First Class Experience Aruba! If you hate lines and waiting, this service is perfect for you.

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