Departamento di Impuesto i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaDepartamento di Impuesto



🕗 åbningstider

Camacuri 2, Oranjestad, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 522 7423
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5078979, Longitude: -70.0255541

kommentar 5

  • rj romero

    rj romero


    Waste of time. Worst customer service. Cant give a lower score

  • Carlos Delgado

    Carlos Delgado


    Bad service, remember the tax payers are paying your salary

  • Julie ann Jularbal

    Julie ann Jularbal


    Break is 11:30 to 1:15 It’s already 1:30 and staff are still sharing and eating cake while no one is being served

  • Axel Anderson

    Axel Anderson


    The worst service ever. In civilized countries you can do your taxes online, since over 25 years. In Aruba you still have to physically go there and wait all day in line.

  • Lizabeth Encarnacion

    Lizabeth Encarnacion


    Worst service ever!!! I had to go there and get a refund of a deposit made 10 years ago, since I lost the receipt, a lady told me i can get a duplicate... i had to filled a form and give information about the receipt that i lost long time ago. a front desk lady (it was an old lady) didn't want to receive the form because the information missing was very essential and there was nothing they can do... i was shocked that basically i couldn't get my 600 dollars back because i couldn't fill where i paid that money and the the receipt number. i went back the other day and i refused to speak with the same old lady so i approached to a younger and better person. she did help me and accept the form. after 2 month i still waiting on them for that duplicate!!! i called and the machine said to put the ext # or wait for the operator; since i have no ext # i just waited... i had to call 3 times and wait on line for 3 min each time until someone finally took the call. she transferred the call to the person who handles duplicates, i hope, and guess what... no answer. i called again and ask the operator for the ext # of that lady and she said i cant get it! then why your machine asks for it?! is this a joke??? horrible customer service!!!

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