Community Museum in San Nicolas

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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ArubaCommunity Museum



🕗 openingstijden

27, Bernard van de Veen Zeppenfeldstraat, San Nicolas, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 0018
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4346514, Longitude: -69.9092684

opmerkingen 5

  • piet Kurvink

    piet Kurvink


    Food food good price

  • Alma Tip

    Alma Tip


    The best and only cappucino to be had in town, plus huge slices of banana bread and carrot cake....The last one should definitely be the winner of the Great British Bake Off and Heel Holland Bakt! Breakfast, light juices and snacks are also on the menu. Highly recommended place !

  • Henriette Warmoltz

    Henriette Warmoltz


    Very good healthy delicuous food and juices. Everything is very fresh. The staff is very friendly. I really recommend this place !!

  • Sharmaine Tromp

    Sharmaine Tromp


    Visiting is a must! The community museum is there. It's fun and educational. Bring a camera and make it a day trip. Visit the museum of industry and take nice pictures with all the murals in the streets.

  • Giovanni Wester

    Giovanni Wester


    Nice place sharing our heritage culture. Visit San Nicolas. It's worth it to be at the culture city. This place is historical on itself and now has been renovated and converted in a total 2 story museum. You can get to know more of the history of the place and have a close look at all the antique items that are still conservated. Really recommended.

Museum in de buurt

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