Museo Historico Aruba in Oranjestad

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ArubaMuseo Historico Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Zoutmanstraat Oranjestad, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 5199
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.517757, Longitude: -70.035697

opmerkingen 5

  • Debbie J.

    Debbie J.


    This was nice tour in many ways. Very friendly staff who greeted us and volunteered to take us through a brief guided tour that they didn't have to do. Hoping the community can make the museum better through financial and additional artifact contributions that long time residents of Aruba have acquired or, find they have access to. Would have liked to see more artifacts and historical inclusion about the indigenous population prior to its westernized colonization.

  • Raoni Silveira

    Raoni Silveira


    Passeio regular. A entrada do museu é 10 dólares. É dentro de um antigo forte de defesa. Um guia conta a história do local em 5 minutos. Há uma galeria com objetos antigos e placas contando um pouco sobre a tecelagem na ilha antigamente. Pra mim a parte mais legal foi subir na torre e ver a cidade de cima, fazer fotos panoramicas.

  • Neil S Tozier

    Neil S Tozier


    This was a fun and informational introduction to Arubian culture and history. Sadly we did this on our last evening here.

  • Nicole Hart

    Nicole Hart


    Wish there was more to see in the museum but the fort is a beauty and go all the way tl the top its worth it

  • Joost Dingemans

    Joost Dingemans


    Lekker klein museumpje, fijn rustig ook, je kunt er op je gemak rondlopen. Let op als je de toren wilt beklimmen, de trappetjes zijn verraderlijk. Leuk uitzicht over de stad. Met een uurtje heb je alles gezien.

Museum in de buurt

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