Citgo Boulevard 24hrs i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaCitgo Boulevard 24hrs



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19, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 582 2310
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5221153, Longitude: -70.0428689

kommentar 5

  • Joshua Topliffe

    Joshua Topliffe


    It's a gas station... Their system is weird, the attendant gives you a slip with the total, you go inside and give to the cashier. You then take your receipt from the cashier to show it to the attendant before you can leave.

  • Arthur Loefstok

    Arthur Loefstok


    Friendly attendants, double fun miles on Sundays... 24/7 opening hours

  • Robert Storella

    Robert Storella


    Staff are friendy nice 24 hrs

  • Connie Petzold

    Connie Petzold


    This gas station is there an Aruba and there's traffic going by both sides. In Aruba they have an attendant who posted the gas in your car and takes care of you. It's nice to have this service again as it was like many years ago

  • Jeng Pietersz

    Jeng Pietersz


    A male worker at the cashier this morning was being rude to the lady cashier which made people waiting in line uncomfortable. I did tell the lady his behavior is not professional. But in general most of the employees are nice.

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